August 19th - Humpbacks all day near Porlier Pass
August 19th was a great day for watching humpbacks. In the morning, we found two humpbacks at Porlier Pass that we identified as BCX1057 “Divot” and BCY0324 “Big Momma”. Divot and Big Momma gave us lots of nice fluke shots. In the afternoon, we headed out towards Porlier Pass, where we found Divot and Big Momma again with 2 other humpbacks. One of those humpbacks was MMX0047 “Bullet” and the other was unidentified.
Check out below for some of the pictures from Rebeka and Ryan:
BCY0324 - “Big Momma”. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (10:30).
BCX1057 - “Divot” in the sun. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (10:30).
For humpbacks, we ID individuals of the species off of the pattern on the underside of the fluke. Below you can see just how different that pattern can be, from black with large white patches to almost solid black!
BCX0324 - “Big Mama”. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
MMX0047 - “Bullet”. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Humpback going for a dive, with the Coal Docks and Mt. Baker in the background. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
A flock of Cormorants. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Rebeka (3:30)
Rebeka (3:30)
Ryan (3:30)
Ryan (3:30)
Ryan (3:30)
Ryan (3:30)