August 18th - Orcas for everyone!
On August 18th, we headed North in search of orca. Our boats located the T46’s and the T46B’s just off of Lantzville. The T46B pod is very special, being the pod of T46B1B - “Tl’uk” the WHITE orca! These two pods are also closely related, with the matriarchs (T46 - “Wake” and T46B - “Raksha”) being mother and daughter respectively. T46B split off from her mother’s pod to start her own pod, which now consists of eight individuals including herself! It seems like Raksha is doing great as a matriarch!
In the afternoon we spent some time with the T49’s. We travelled Southbound towards Active Pass where they were spotted travelling along. We travelled with them back North before heading out to find some more wildlife!
Here are the best pictures from the day by Naturalists Ryan and Rebeka:
T46B1 - “Tread” with her white baby T46B1B - “Tl’uk”. Photo by Ryan Uslu (10:30).
T46B1B - “Tl’uk” and T46B1 - “Tread”. Photo by Ryan Uslu (10:30).
Big family get together in the morning! T46D (far left), T46B1B - “Tl’uk” (far right). Photo by Ryan Uslu (10:30).
Family photo in the afternoon. Photo by Ryan Uslu (3:30).
Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
T49A1 - “Noah”. Photo by Ryan Uslu (3:30).
T49A1 - “Noah”. Photo by Ryan Uslu (3:30).
Harbour seal mother and pup. Photo by Ryan Uslu (3:30).
Call us today at 250-667-5177 to book your own whale watching tour, or continue here on our website to book online!
Our whale guarantee: You’ll see a Humpback or an Orca, or your next trip is FREE!