August 31st 3:30 - Kelpie, Split Fin, Dalmatian, 77C, 77D

In the afternoon we encountered more Humpbacks, including Kelpie, Dalmatian and Split Fin. Kelpie is a new whale to our area - they are quite small, so we suspect they are a juvenile (possibly their first year without their mother). While we still are usually looking for a good photo of their fluke to ID them, Kelpie also has a very distinct white spot on the left side of its dorsal. They are also quite dappled (spotted) all over their body, giving them a very little grey look instead of the traditional dark steel colouring we see on most of our Humpbacks.

Our Humpbacks were busy diving and feeding, trying to fuel up on fish and krill near Thrasher rock before they leave in about 2 months. At that point, they will be heading to Hawaii, Mexico, or Central America to breed and give birth. They’ll return to our waters next year in the Spring or early Summer.

We also got to spend more time with the T77 Siblings Neftali and Alcyon. These two were zig-zagging around, likely looking for dinner. This duo has been doing quite well even though they have been travelling by themselves for a couple of months now. We are not certain why they have been travelling without their mother and other siblings, but we hope they all meet back up soon. We would love to see their family reunion!

Our Orcas today were just south of our Humpbacks, traveling near Porlier Pass.

Photos by Naturalists Cheyenne Brewster and Rebecca Stirling.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Split Fin. Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Split Fin. Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Dalmatian. Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Dalmatian. Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Immature Rhinoceros Auklet. Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Immature Rhinoceros Auklet. Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Rebecca.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

Photo taken by naturalist Cheyenne.

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