October 6th - Whale soup in the Strait of Georgia!
It was a cloudy day with mirror-like conditions when Cascadia arrived on scene with the first humpback whale of the day, BCY0228 “Smudge”. Smudge got its nickname because of the smudge-like marking near the centre of the fluke. Check out the fluke shot below to see what we mean!
The second whale of the day, KEX0022 “Corona”, has been seen a lot these past couple of weeks. This whale got its nickname because of the half moon markings, aka coronas, covering the underside of the fluke.
The third humpback whale encounter of the day was with a mysterious individual who unfortunately didn’t show us a fluke, but we did get some dorsal views of this traveling whale.
Our last encounter of the day was with a whopping 6 whales spread all around the boat. Split Fin and others were traveling in the vicinity but the star of the show was definitely KEX0020 “Uluka”. Uluka was trumpeting near the boat, lunge feeding, and showing off its fluke and pectoral fins.
Here are some of the best photos taken on October 6th by marine naturalist Val Watson.