October 5th - 6 Humpback whales in the Strait of Georgia!
The conditions were perfect as Cascadia ventured into the Strait of Georgia towards some reports of humpback whales. In less than an hour we were with two humpback whales, Zig Zag and her calf Scuba! We saw Zig Zag with her calf early this summer and have been watching the little one grow quickly all season long. Zig Zag had already taken Scuba on one long migration north to our cold feeding waters and we have a been watching with fascination all summer as she has taught Scuba how to dive deep for food and how to exercise high energy behaviours such as tail and pec slapping. Next summer they will be traveling separately and we hope to see both in the Strait again!
After those two whales we saw 2 unknowns travelling near Porlier Pass, and then almost an hour later another two in the same vicinity. Humpback soup! The last two we spent time with were identified as Two Spot and Prowler and they were very curious about our boat and the excited passengers!
We love having these gentle giants in our backyard and hope that this Humpback Comeback continues for years to come!
Here are the best photos taken that day by marine naturalist Cheyenne Brewster.