June 27th 10:30 AM - T002C's and Neowise
It was great weather as our two vessels left the harbour on the morning of June 27th. Previous reports of orca near northern Gabriola Island led us towards Entrance Island, where we viewed the Stellar sea lions nearly ready to make their trip north to Alaska for breeding. Heading south down the Strait of Georgia, we discovered the T002Cs and watched them travelling before heading back north towards Entrance Island.
Neowise, a very active humpback, was discovered off the coast of North Nanaimo. He performed on his back, slapping the water with his tail and pectoral fins and even got close enough to get passengers wet! While performing at the surface, Neowise trumpeted once, a noise that humpbacks can make when excited. Neowise made his debut in the Salish sea in 2020 as a calf to Heather. Neowise has been identified as having significant changes to his fluke over his three seasons in the Salish sea, making it a very fascinating and challenging ID for our Naturalists.
Our day ended with travelling back to Gabriola Island along the bluffs to view cormorants and their nesting habits. A peregrine falcon, which has been previously spotted nesting along the bluffs was seen.
Photos are taken by Marine Naturalists Vanessa and Rebecca.