April 15th - T-Party in Stuart Channel: Day 2

After yesterday’s adventure in Stuart Channel with the T018’s and the T023D’s our boat headed out and look for whales in the gulf islands, hoping the whales hadn’t traveled far. As they traveled down Trincomali, a guest spotted a fin heading North through the light snow fall. The whale never emerged again and so the boat decided to travel around Thetis and Penelakut islands looking to see if the whale would resurface. After traveling through the channels, we found T019B Galiano and T019C Spouter traveling south with their mom T019 Nootka. A little further south still was the T023D’s, so the whole party was hanging out still in Southern Stuart Channel. Esperanza was just off doing her own thing and even briefly rejoined the party before heading northward on her own again. We aren’t sure why she was going off on her own, she could have been traveling to look for food, or maybe she was just enjoying some alone time away from the family.

Either way, we got to spend an hour with some beautiful whales, watching them circling and hunting in the gulf islands.

Check out the photos our Marine Naturalist Cheyenne got during the tour today.

Harbour Seal Nanaimo

Harbour Seals hanging out on the rocks! Notice the speckling that helps them camouflage.

Canada Goose Cargo Ship

A couple Canadian Geese flying in front of a large cargo ship.

T018 Esperenza porpoising orca nanaimo

T018 Esperenza porpoising through the water.

T018 Esperenza surfacing Nanaimo

T018 Esperenza porpoising through the water.

T018 Esperenza surfacing Nanaimo

T018 Esperenza.

T019C Spouter Nanaimo Surfacing Orca

T019C Spouter breaking the waters surface.

T019C Spouter Nanaimo Surfacing Orca

T019C Spouter.

T019C Spouter Nanaimo Surfacing Orca

T019C Spouter.

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