January 29th - Seals and Sea Lions throughout the Southern Gulf Islands

For our tour on the 29th we left the Nanaimo harbour searching north around Neck Point/ Pipers Lagoon before heading south into the Southern Gulf Islands. While passing Snake Island, we noticed some Steller’s Sea Lions hauled out on the rocks! Steller’s are the largest species of sea lion in the entire world, with the adult males weighing in at over 2500 pounds! Seeing these amazing animals fighting amongst each other on the rocks was great.

Stellers Sea Lions.

After a while we continued on our search which took us through Stuart channel, down around Saltspring Island, past the Saanich Peninsula, and back up North via Trincomali channel. We managed to find some Harbour seals hauled out along the way, as well as a brief look at some Harbour Porpoise (they are usually boat shy)! The trip through the Southern Gulf Islands is a very scenic one, with amazing landscapes and towering cliffs along the shoreline of the islands. Our final stop brought us to Harmac Pulp mill, where the log booms being stored along the coast are haul-out sites for Steller and California Sea Lions! These sea lions gave us a great show; fighting amongst themselves and floating through the water close by. They even swam by the boat for a close up inspection!

California Sea Lion in the water.

Since the whales being watched in the Salish sea aren’t tracked in any way, other than visually, sometimes they aren’t in the area or are sneaky and pass by without being noticed, so “no whale days” happen occasionally, such as this trip. In the case this happens, not all is lost! We provide vouchers to any guest who end up not seeing whales with us during a public tour. These vouchers can be used by the guest any time to come whale watching with us for free, and they never expire!

We got some great photos of the wildlife seen throughout the trip, taken by our naturalist Rebecca Stirling. Enjoy!

Great look at the giant Steller’s Sea Lions and some geology of the sandstone in the background!

Big Male Stellers! These guys could weigh 2500lbs!

Sandstone cliffs of snake island.

A pair of Bald eagles on the sandstone rocks with the coastal mountain range in the background.

Harlequin duck!

Harlequin duck in flight!

Harbour Seal hauled out on the rocks.

Giving us an example of “banana pose”. Who knew seals were so good at yoga?

Gull photo-bomb!

Some harbour seals watching us from the water.

Male California sea lion showing us his sagittal crest (the lighter colour lump on top of his head).

Another male Califonia sea lion.

California Sea Lion.

Bald eagle among the sea lion haul out! Reminds you just how big these birds are!

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