August 26th 10:30 - Orion and Windy off of Valdes Island
Our morning tour on August 26th was a great time for everyone on board as we found two humpbacks called Orion and Windy just off of Valdes Island. We can identify humpbacks through the patterns on their flukes. Orion and Windy were feeding in this area. The Salish sea is a great place to feed for these humpback whales as the waters here a very nutrient rich due to the Fraser River output. Humpbacks travel all the way from the warm waters of their breeding grounds in Hawaii to here to feed as much as they can before they head back. Humpbacks eat small fish and krill and can eat up to 3000 pounds of food per day. Their blubber is where they store their food to sustain them until they come back here.
While we were watching them, guests saw Orion do a cartwheel out of nowhere! The entirety of their back came out of the water and caused a huge splash! It was a really cool thing to see.
Check out the rest of the pictures from our trip below!
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photos by Ryan Uslu.
Photo by Brad Farrow.
Photo by Brad Farrow.