August 2nd - International whale days!
Today was another great day! We caught up with some of our favourite humpbacks in the Georgia Strait, and finished the day off with a trip to Washington!
In the morning we travelled through Dodd’s Narrows and headed south through the gulf island! We came out through Porlier Pass, between Valdes and Galiano Island where we found a single humpback doing lazy dives! After watching him for a few minutes we headed over to another pair of humpbacks who were diving near by. This pair turned out to be a mom and calf duo! Slate and her calf were doing some lazy dives and the calf even showed off her tail fin for us.
Slate has a slight back facing curve to her dorsal fin. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (10.30)
Slate in the front, her calf in the back. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (10.30)
Slate (right) and calf (right) heading for a deep dive! photo by Rebeka Pirker (10.30)
In the afternoon we headed way south to Patos Island in Washington! While there we hung out with the T65A’s! This pod’s matriarch is named Fingers who was born in 1986, making her 33 years old, and the proud mom of 5 beautiful whales! Today she was traveling with 4 of her 5 children, as her oldest son Ooxjaa (T65A2, 2004), has been traveling with his Aunt, T65B, Chunk. On this particular day we got to watch Fingers leading her pod around looking for their next meal. Fingers is a pretty slap happy mom, often breaching, tail slapping and spy hopping. Her children definitely take after her for this! her youngest son Elsie (T65A5, 2014) and youngest daughter T65A6 (2018) are often right behind her, spy hopping and splashing about!
Matriarch Fingers (T65A) Photo by Ryan Uslu (3.30)
Little Elsie checking out the Whale watching boats! Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3.30)
T65A6 showing off her tail! Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3.30)
Amira and her mom Fingers. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3.30)
Ellifrit (Back left), Amira (front left), Fingers (middle) and T65A6 (right). Photo by Ryan Uslu (3.30)
Ellifrit and her mom Fingers silhouetted in the evening sun. Photo by Ryan Uslu (3.30)
After leaving the T65A’s in Washington we headed back towards Nanaimo. We came across Heather doing some deep dives near Porlier Pass. We could see the blows of a few other humpbacks in the distance. We watched Heather long enough to see her showing off her beautiful tail before we had to leave her and head home.
Heather had a grandchild born this year to Split Fluke, who was born in 2006. This is Split Flukes first recorded calf and Heathers first recorded grand calf!
Heather showing off her beautiful flukes! Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3.30)
Heather going for an evening deep dive! Photo by Ryan Uslu (3.30)
Sale with us on one of our daily tours at 10:30 am and 3:30 pm to see all the beautiful wildlife our Salish Sea has to offer. See humpbacks, Transient Orcas, Seals and Sea Lions on our state of the art Zodiac style whale watching boats! They even have a bathroom on board!
Book now on our website or call us at 1-250-667-5177 to save your seats!
Harbour seal mom hanging out with her pup! Photo by Rebeka Pirker (10.30)