July 29th - Humpback Party in the Straight and Orcas in Washington!
Today we headed out into the Georgia Strait to watch some humpbacks in the morning. We came across a group of three traveling North East near the Apex - the border between USA and Canada! We traveled with our trio, which consisted of Slate (BCX1210) and her new calf as well as Orion (BCX1251), when we stumbled upon another mom and calf pair! These two stayed with us for a bit, but never fluked for us so we were unable to get an ID for them. Eventually this pair split off and traveled more North and we stayed with Slate, her calf and Orion.
Orion (BCX1251) showing off those impressive flukes! Photo by Natalie Reichenbacher (10.30).
Tail slaps! Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Our afternoon tour headed for an Orca report near Point Roberts! We arrived on scene just in time to see an impressive syphon from one of the T65’s! The T65’s were milling about while T65 herself was doing plenty of Tail slapping!
Tail slapping is often done by the matriarch to get the attention of her pod.
We also had the exciting opportunity of watching one of these whales breach!
After we left the T65’s we were making the long trek back to Nanaimo when we came across our morning trio of humpbacks, Slate, her calf, and Orion! We stuck around to watch these 3 traveling some more, and were lucky enough to get some really close passes!
All in all, a very magical day on the water!
Spy Hopping! Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3.30).
Photo by Natalie Reichenbacher (3:30).
Slate, Slate’s calf, and Orion; a trio of Humpbacks! Photo by Natalie Reichenbacher (3:30).
Below we have side-by-side flukes of Orion (BCX1251; left) and Slate (BCX1210; right). This is a good example of the differences between our humpbacks; notice how distinct Orion’s white fluke patches are versus Slate’s nearly perfectly black fluke?
Orion (BCX1251) fluking. Sequence by Natalie Reichenbacher (10:30).
Diving time! Sequence by Natalie Reichenbacher (10:30).
Swimming away. Sequence by Natalie Reichenbacher (10:30).
Book a tour with us today for your own chance to see some beautiful whales! Call us at 250-667-5517 to book over the phone, or continue on this website to book online! We hope to see you out on the water!