July 9th - Humpbacks breaching in the Strait, orcas hunting in Vancouver!
Our favourite pair of humpbacks were around again today during our morning trips. Heather and Raptor were playing around off of Galiano Island when we located them today. Unfortunately due to camera issues we were unable to get photos of the humpbacks, but there was lots of surfacing, some close passes, and even a breach! Humpbacks breaching is always an incredible sight. Humpbacks can get up to 60 ft. long, or about double the length of our Zodiac boats! The amount of energy it would take to get such a large creature out of the water is astounding, especially since they (our humpbacks) are just returning from Hawaii right now. Humpbacks do not eat at all during their migration, so they are busy feasting in our waters now that they are back home!
In the afternoon we found the T46’s outside of English Bay. T46/Wake is pretty special; she’s not only Matriarch of her pod, she’s even a Great-grandmother! T46 was also the last live capture in Puget Sound’s Budd Inlet back in 1976, but thankfully she was released.
Left to right: Camillo (T46E), T46D, Wake (T46), T46. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Diving time. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
T46’s leaving. Photo by Rebeka Pirker (3:30).
Want your own chance to see the whales in their natural habitat? Come join us on one of our daily tours at 10:30AM and 3:30PM! To book, call us at 250-667-5177 or continue here on our website to book online! If you do not see a whale during your tour, your next trip is free!