April 28th - Two pods of orcas and stunning mountain views!

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday when passengers aboard Cascadia left the dock at 12pm. It was one of the warmest days we’ve had in awhile and the seas had calmed down from Saturday’s windstorm. - perfect conditions for finding fins and blows! After searching through the Gulf Islands for a couple of hours, reports surfaced of transient orca in the Strait of Georgia. We headed straight there to visit with some orca!

Our guests spent quality time with two family pods of these marine mammal hunting orca - the T36Bs and T99s. The whales were mostly traveling throughout our encounter, but it was lovely to see their fins so often and with the gorgeous Coastal Mountains as the backdrop! Here are some of the best photos taken on the tour by marine naturalist Rodrigo Menezes.

A close up of T36B’s dorsal fin. Her unique markings make her the easiest to identify in her pod.

A close up of T36B’s dorsal fin. Her unique markings make her the easiest to identify in her pod.

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